
Privacy Policy

Information regarding Data Privacy

This site is operated by altek GmbH, Boschstr. 1, 72108 Rottenburg, Germany.

altek GmbH takes data privacy concerns very seriously, and wants to make sure that your privacy is protected when you use our website. That’s why we have prepared this information about how we treat your data. Please read this policy carefully before you use the website, because here we explain such matters as how we processes personal data and uses cookies. When you use this website, you can choose by way of your browser’s cookie settings whether to let us store cookies on your computer. However, we would like to point out that if you block cookies, some features on this site may not be fully functional.
altek GmbH reserves the right to revise this policy from time to time. All future changes in this data privacy policy will be publicized on this site. You should check this data processing information regularly to stay updated.

If you visit this site and/or provide personal data to altek GmbH, altek GmbH will assume that you consent for your personal data to be processed in the ways explained in this data privacy policy. If you do not consent to this data privacy policy, please do not use this website and do not provide any personal data to altek GmbH.

Depending on which services you claim, not all parts of this data protection regulation will apply to you in detail, especially about § 4 SOCIAL NETWORKS. This Data Protection Regulation contains all paragraphs that apply to the companies of the Wissler Group:

§ 1

We will process and use your personal data only with your consent or as otherwise permitted by law. We will gather, process or use personal data that are needed for the performance and use of our services, or that you voluntarily provide to us.

“Personal data” refers to all data containing information about personal or situational matters concerning a determined or determinable customer. This includes, without limitation, such information as your e-mail address, delivery address, gender, birth date, telephone number or age.

§ 2

We need your personal data according to Art. 6 GDPR for several purposes:

  • To process your orders and deliveries for products and services (your e-mail address, street address, first and last names, form of address, telephone number, fax number, birth date and a delivery address if other than your own street address).
  • If you pay by credit card, we will also ask for your credit card information. We will use that information only for your current order transaction. Please input it afresh each time you place an order. If you do not wish to send your credit card information over the internet, you can use our telephone service. One of our employees will then take your information personally.
  • To answer your questions (your e-mail address and telephone number, if applicable).
  • If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use your e-mail address for our own informational purposes until you unsubscribe.

You can unsubscribe at any time at:

§ 3

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser’s buffer, and that helps the website function or permits us to analyze how you use the site. The next time you visit our website, your browser will read the cookie and transmit the information it contains back to the website or other component that installed the cookie in the first place.

This website uses two kinds of cookies:

  • Session Cookies:
    These are temporary cookies that remain in place only until you close your browser. They are necessary in order for some applications or functions on the site to work properly.
  • Permanent or stored Cookies:
    We may use stored cookies to make our site more user-friendly (e.g., to optimize navigation). These are cookies that remain in your browser’s cookies folder for a more extended time. The time depends on your Web browser’s settings. Stored cookies make it possible to transmit information to a Web server each time you visit a website.

You can find out more about these techniques and how they work at sites like

Puede determinar qué cookies podemos utilizar: Modificar las preferencias de consentimiento

We gather the following information automatically when your computer first accesses the altek GmbH website:

·         Your internet address (IP address), minus the last digit, so that your IP address cannot be located precisely

·         Browser type and version

·         Browser plug ins

·         The website you came to us from (referrer URL)

·         The operating system you are using

·         Your language setting

·         Your Internet service provider

·         The date and time of your visit

·         Your screen resolution

·         Search words via which you found our site

These data are stored separately from any other data you may have provided to us. There is no linkage between these data and your other data; they are analyzed for statistical purposes to help us optimize our website and our products and services. The data are deleted after they are analyzed.

You can accept or block all cookies from all websites you visit by changing your Web browser settings. For example, if you use Internet Explorer Version 8.0, the procedure is this:

  1. Click “Tools” followed by “Internet Options.”
  2. Click the “Privacy” tab.
  3. Use the slider to choose the setting you prefer.

Please note that if you block cookies, some features on our website may be unavailable, and the site may not be fully functional. If you do not know how to change your browser’s settings, or how to delete cookies, please read your browser’s instructions.

The cookies we use are:



Expiration (when the cookie is deleted from your computer)

CC (country code)
when you visit the site

This cookie lets us offer you the site in your own language, on the basis of your country identifier. It is generated automatically by our Web server.

The cookies remain stored on your system until they are deleted by you in your browser

LC (language Code)
when you visit the site

This cookie stores information about the language you used the last time you visited, so that the language is chosen automatically the next time you visit.

The cookies remain stored on your system until they are deleted by you in your browser

when you visit the Web shop

This cookie makes it possible for you to visit the site in your own language, on the basis of your country identifier. It is generated automatically by our Web server.

at end of browser session

when you visit the Web shop

An internal cookie from the Web shop provider. It contains the Web shop software version in plain text for internal use.

at end of browser session

Sid bei Besuch des Webshops

This cookie is used to display all data you have input when placing an order in your shopping cart.

at end of browser session


This site uses Piwik / Matomo, an open source Web analysis tool (, to gather and store data for marketing and optimization purposes. These data can be used to generate usage profiles under a pseudonym. Cookies may be used for this purpose. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in the buffer memory of a visitor’s Web browser and make it possible to recognize the visitor’s browser on return visits. The data gathered with Piwik / Matomo are not used to identify visitors to this site personally, and they are not combined with personal data maintained under a pseudonym.

§ 4

§ 4.1 Social Media Icons

The pictured icons of e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Instagram are only links to the corresponding social media pages. As a result, no data will be sent to the servers of the named providers, unless you are actively clicking on one of these links. In this case, the data protection regulations of the linked platforms are prevailing (after following the links).
If you are already logged in to one of these websites, it can assign your visit to our website directly to your user account, subject to the conditions of use of the registered website.

§ 4.2 Facebook: The Facebook “Share” Button

We provide a Facebook button.
If you visit a page on our site and click the Facebook button, your browser will connect directly to the servers of the Facebook social network operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). Facebook will then receive the information that your browser has gone to that particular page of our site, even if you have no Facebook account. That information (including your IP address) will be sent by your browser directly to a Facebook server in the USA and stored there.

If you are already logged into Facebook, Facebook can allocate your visit to our site directly to your Facebook account. If you click the Facebook button or input a comment, that information will likewise be sent directly to a Facebook server and stored there. The information will also be published on Facebook and displayed to your Facebook friends.

Facebook may use this information for advertising and market research, and to tailor the design of Facebook pages to users’ needs. For that purpose, Facebook prepares usage, interest and relationship profiles, for purposes such as analyzing your use of our site in relation to the ads displayed to you through Facebook, notifying other Facebook users of your activities on our site, or providing other services associated with the use of Facebook.

If you do not want Facebook to store data that Facebook collects through our website in your Facebook account, do not click the Facebook button, or if you are already logged into Facebook, log out of Facebook before visiting our site.

If you would like to find out the purpose and scope of data gathered by Facebook, and how they are further processed and used by Facebook, together with your associated rights and privacy setting options, please see the Facebook data privacy policy:

§ 4.3 twitter: The Twitter button

We provide a Twitter button.
If you visit a page on our site and click the Twitter button, your browser will connect directly to the services of the Twitter social network operated by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (“Twitter”).

If you click the Twitter button and use Twitter, or if you use the “Retweet” function, the websites you visit will be linked to your Twitter account and displayed to other users. Data will also be transmitted to Twitter for this purpose.

If you do not want Twitter to associate the data gathered through our website with your Twitter account, do not click the Twitter button, or if you are logged into Twitter, log out before visiting our site.
Please note that we are not informed about what data is transmitted or how it is used by Twitter. If you would like to find out the purpose and scope of the data gathered, and how they are further processed and used by Twitter, please see the Twitter data privacy policy at You can change your data privacy settings on Twitter in your account settings at

§ 4.4 YouTube Plugin

YouTube clips are included on our website, so plug-ins are used by YouTube. Once you visit a page that has a clip attached to it, it will connect to YouTube's servers. YouTube LLC is part of Google Inc., and is headquartered at: 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. The server will be told which page you visited, in which the plug-in is integrated. If you're logged in to YouTube, YouTube will associate this information with your account. You can prevent this sharing of information by logging out of YouTube. For more information about YouTube's collection and use of your data, please visit:

§ 4.5 Google Maps
Google Maps is integrated on our website, so plugins are used by Google Maps. Once you visit a page that has a map attached to it, it will connect to the Google LLC servers at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The server will be told which page you visited, in which the plug-in is integrated. If you are logged in to Google, Google assigns this information to your user account. You can prevent this information exchange by logging out of your Google Account. For more information about Google's collection and use of your information, please visit:

§ 5

If you consent for us to use, process and transmit your personal data for marketing purposes (e.g. for an electronic newsletter or by sending offers, or for uses by our web analytics), you can revoke your consent at any time, with no particular requirements for form or notice, with effect for the future. If your data are used within the limits provided by law for such purposes as postal marketing campaigns, you may also revoke permission for those uses. In either case, please contact

By Mail:

Boschstr. 1
D-72108 Rottenburg
TELEFON: +49 (7457) 9426 -0
TELEFAX: +49 (7457) 9426 -66

or by e-mail:


§ 6

To process your order, it may sometimes be necessary to share your personal data with third parties. For example, shipping carriers will be informed of your data to the extent needed in order to deliver your purchases.

Your personal data will also not be sold to third parties or shared with them for separate uses without your prior consent.
Data will be shared with government agencies or authorities only as mandatorily required by national law.


Your payment data will be shared with your credit card company in order to process payments by credit card. The data will then be deleted. The data shared with third parties will be used by those parties only to fulfill their obligations or assignments for you. Other than that, your data will not be shared with third parties.

§ 6.2 Payment with PayPal

If you choose to pay with the online payment service PayPal during the ordering process on our website, your contact details will be transferred to PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. & Cie. S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg. PayPal acts as a trustee as well as an online payment service provider and offers buyer protection services.

The personal data transmitted to PayPal are: first name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail address, IP address. In addition, other data related to the order, e.g. Invoice amount and billing information, taxes in percent, number of items and item number, will be transferred.

The transmission of this data is necessary in order to process your order with the chosen payment method, above all to confirm your identity, to administer your payment and the customer relationship with PayPal.

If you choose PayPal as your payment method, the payment process also includes the privacy policy of your PayPal account, which can be viewed at:

§ 7

Your personal data will be stored only as long as is necessary for us to provide our services, max. 10 years after your last activities. In some cases, we may be legally required to store data permanently.

§ 8

We have set up technical and organizational precautions to protect your data, particularly against loss, manipulation or unauthorized access. We update our security precautions regularly to take account of ongoing technical developments.

§ 9
video surveillance

If you visit us at our corporate location, we point out that this is under video surveillance. Further information is available at our reception on site.

§ 10

You have the right to request information at any time, at no charge, about your data stored at altek GmbH. If your data is stored incorrectly or wrongfully, we will be happy to correct, block or delete them. Please also let us know as soon as changes have been made to your personal data. Please send requests for information, questions, complaints or suggestions about data privacy to:

by mail:

Data Privacy Policy
Boschstr. 1
D-72108 Rottenburg
TELEFON: +49 (7457) 9426 -0
TELEFAX: +49 (7457) 9426 -66

or by e-mail:



Last changes may 2018